Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lychee is Going to a Dance

Argh... I hate school. Running up and down steps all the time, doing homework, eating that disgusting lunch, etc etc etc... I haven't written in a long time, I know, I know, but what do you think I'm doing now?! I can't believe I have to have PE again. It stinks in the locker rooms. I think it's that teacher, though. Or maybe it's just the stench of people in general. Anyway, I'm going to a dance at 7 PM tonight [look at title]. :/ I dunno if it'll be fun or not. But whatever... Anyway, at my new school, these people are complete nerds... They only talk about math and writing and science. Shut up already! I don't know what you're talking about, for God's sake! No cute guys. All the cute ones are either nerds, stupid people, or bad kids. That stuff just crosses everything out. But, er, it's okay... kinda...

I started a new roleplay on gaia. I didn't even open it yet. I'm so bored... It's gonna die really soon, obviously, but alas, I do not care. I want to make this really, really long post, so then all my readers will be as bored as Satan will be while reading this [no offense to Satan-lover-people]. I don't have much of an interesting life, so I guess this really will be a boring post. A friend of mine is trying out to get into a really hard school and she actually said, "Once I get in..." Puh-lease! She's not smarter than yours truly and yours truly can't really pass the test, so she thinks she'll get in, but her thoughts are just a pile of shit [ah-ha... never actually posted stuff like this, but you should know that I will]. If there are any readers out there, won't you, can't you just post a little, wittle comment? Plesh?

I don't think anyone wants to look at my boring little online journal thing, but whatever. Read it and enjoy. I might even post something actually interesting on, like a poem, or something that YOU like. So read for the chances! REEEAAADDD!!! Oh wow, I'm actually supporting reading right now. I hate reading. H-A-T-E.

Love you,
rLychee Sweetiesr