Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lychee is Going to a Dance

Argh... I hate school. Running up and down steps all the time, doing homework, eating that disgusting lunch, etc etc etc... I haven't written in a long time, I know, I know, but what do you think I'm doing now?! I can't believe I have to have PE again. It stinks in the locker rooms. I think it's that teacher, though. Or maybe it's just the stench of people in general. Anyway, I'm going to a dance at 7 PM tonight [look at title]. :/ I dunno if it'll be fun or not. But whatever... Anyway, at my new school, these people are complete nerds... They only talk about math and writing and science. Shut up already! I don't know what you're talking about, for God's sake! No cute guys. All the cute ones are either nerds, stupid people, or bad kids. That stuff just crosses everything out. But, er, it's okay... kinda...

I started a new roleplay on gaia. I didn't even open it yet. I'm so bored... It's gonna die really soon, obviously, but alas, I do not care. I want to make this really, really long post, so then all my readers will be as bored as Satan will be while reading this [no offense to Satan-lover-people]. I don't have much of an interesting life, so I guess this really will be a boring post. A friend of mine is trying out to get into a really hard school and she actually said, "Once I get in..." Puh-lease! She's not smarter than yours truly and yours truly can't really pass the test, so she thinks she'll get in, but her thoughts are just a pile of shit [ah-ha... never actually posted stuff like this, but you should know that I will]. If there are any readers out there, won't you, can't you just post a little, wittle comment? Plesh?

I don't think anyone wants to look at my boring little online journal thing, but whatever. Read it and enjoy. I might even post something actually interesting on, like a poem, or something that YOU like. So read for the chances! REEEAAADDD!!! Oh wow, I'm actually supporting reading right now. I hate reading. H-A-T-E.

Love you,
rLychee Sweetiesr

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bubbles the Clown

Don't even ask about this title. So Bonzaii and I are at the library with her friend, whom I will now call Little Bites because Bonzaii has this nickname that's supposed to sound like mini cakes, which are pretty much Little Bites. So there's this piece of paper that says "The _________ Public Library is now inviting you to celebrate with Bubbles the Clown at 3:00!" That part is blank because of personal info. -^^- So now, since it's 2:23 in my time, it's gonna come pretty soon. All computers will turn off, I think. It's so annoying since clowns are really dumb. Shall I give a flashback?

It was back in... er, 2000 about... and it was mine and Bonzaii's birthday. We celebrate it on the same day because it's only four days apart. And there was a clown. A huge, scary clown. So he was doing these magic tricks and I became extremely scared. I forgot his name by now, but I started crying big time. So my mother "excused" me and we both left. But I kicked around and didn't let her take me, which I think is really dumb since the clown scared me, there was no point in staying. So then everything went crazy. You get it.

It's not that I'm scared of clowns now, you should know that, but I just thought I should tell you all. It's kinda embarassing actually. Keep this a secret to, Reader-People!

Gotta go now,

P.S. At this computer, I can't change font anymore! NOOOOO! No more Webdings!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Middle Name Game

Ello! I heard of this internet game thingy called The Middle Name Game and I wanted to try it out. It's not gonna really work out, since I don't have a middle name so I'll have to use this word: Lychee Sweets Rocks! [punctuation and spaces included] Hope you try this out too!


Your middle name starts with: E
Famous artist/band/musician: Eric Clapton
4-letter word: Each
state/city/place: Europe
Boy name: Earl
Girl name: Erin
Animal: Elephant
Something in the kitchen: Egg beater [yay me!]
Body Part: Ear, elbow
Drink: Eggnog
Something you shout: Effin' fangirls shout so loud!
Something you eat: Eggs


Well that was easy... Thank you Google! You're a lifesaver!

Middle names,

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Finally Gone

The Mole. The Mole is gone, gone, gone and away from this house. Boy, do I love it! She moved out a long time ago, but I guess I did forget to type it to 'ya [not that anyone reads this anyway]! But uh, anyway, yes, The Mole is finally gone! And yes I do admit that I appreciate her work with us, since she worked with us for 8 years, but... You can't just slack off after you know you're going to move soon! That's why I became annoyed. And my mother. And Bonzaii.

So... Now we have work, Bonzaii and I, which we never actually did, since The Mole always did everything, which slowly came down to almost nothing. Maybe that'll happen to us too! The work slowly decreasing until we can play gaia and post and whatever on the internet! Or play with Cookie, which we bathed hours ago. Now we have to prepare a bit of dinner, walk and bathe the dog, make breakfast, etc, etc, etc. But that's not a lot. It'll probably increase, the work, though. *sigh* Ah, too bad, too bad.

Also, we still don't have a TV from the time we moved. We have a couch though! Kudos to us, eh? So now we're all a bunch of freaks who work, play the computer, eat, and sleep. And I know this comment is random, but... Why won't anyone read, for Lychee's sake?! I'm probably now going to go crazy, "advertising" to everyone about Lychee Sweets here.

Hmm... I wonder if I can make more than one post a day....

Chores for meeeee,
ZLychee SweetsZ

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

I know what you're thinking. I know I haven't posted in /forever/. But at least I remembered to post today, eh?

So I was playing gaiaonline, listening to some music, and I come across the forums. And this post reminds me of pulling out wisdom teeth if your jaw gets to full. And I think I'm going to have to upll 'em out some day, which sucks. I'm extremely petrified of pulling out my wisdom teeth and right now I'm praying I won't have to. Have you had them pulled out? Does it hurt [duh, it hurts, idoit Lychee]?

Anyway... I've got Breaking News. I may be over You-Know-Who. But I'm not sure. I haven't seen him for over a month, so if I ever do see him... What in the world will happen?

Other news? Summer has been killing me. Bonzaii has been making me do a straight 30 days of work from higher grades than I am in. It's a drag typing everything over and over and over again! But of course, I got the book I need for the homework for my new awesome school. And along with that happiness, I have to do even MORE work.

Aren't choo happy for Lychee?


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Why Lychee Hates The Mole

See? I told you I'd write this. Anyway, I hope The Mole doesn't come in and catch me typing this. Keep this a secret though.

Top 10 Reasons why Lychee hates The Mole:
10. She leaves me alone at home, without permission of my parents.
9. She always listens to her iPod, and hums in the wrong tune.
8. She always talks to her relatives. "Ya, ya. Mee mee mee blah blah."
7. She yells at our dog for no reason.
6. Whenever The Mole asks for something, she doesn't wait for our answer. She just takes it.
5. She uses Mommy's make-up.
4. She eats Daddy's chips, and says that we ate it.
3. She always laughs when we're annoyed, but is always all, "HEY!" when we don't care when she's annoyed.
2. She always says she's poor, but she's not! [we are going to give her all of that money we have in the bank. We are poor!]
1. She used to always be nice to us. Now that she knows she's gonna leave, she's gonna "take revenge".

There are a lot more reasons, like how she thinks she's funny and she isn't or when she thinks I feel sad when she says she's going to leave. Good riddance!

Oh look, Bonzaii's home!

Long post,

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lychee Has Homework

The school that I'm going to next year, which I'll admit is a good school, gave me a packet of homework. Not so hard, but of course, I have to borrow a book from the library, which doesn't have it. I find myself having to hold a book, which is well... at first. I don't know what location to pick, because I'm stupid, and I don't have the guts to ask someone.

Think about it. "Um... What's the location of this library?" Wow. How stupid that girl must be. Fortunetly, I finished a part that didn't require much of the book, and I'm hoping that I can finish another part without it.

You know, this house sucks, since there's no AC and it's especially hot on the second floor, where we live, it's reallllllyyyyyy hot. There are a couple of fans, and two AC's. But one is big, so we decided not to put it in, in case it topples over and falls out the window. The other is more like a fan, because it uses too much energy for the AC, and it was put into our parents' room. Not in the living room, or the kitchen, or even our room. Nope. My parents' room.

Enough about this! Today, Bonzaii is at summer school again. Monday-Friday, 10:00-3:00, July 8-August 7. It sucks. Life is so boring, I don't even know what I'm doing, posting again. Bonzaii keeps telling me, "Normal people post almost everyday." Yeah, well, you're the one who quit blogging. So HAH! HAH! I'm planning on having ice cream after lunch. Strange, but true.

I think tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, I'll type something up about The Mole. So annoying...

Save me from homework,